Derby Name: Laya Landmine
Derby Number: #8
What does your derby name mean to you? Lay A Landmine?! I blow b***ches up! Step this way. I dare you.
Favorite Position: Blocking. Hands down. Nothin like terrorizing people. Especially with your friends.
How you found out about roller derby: A house party at Shawna the Huts house in 2008. Mary, Messer, and Mongoose. The 3 M’s.
Date you started with Jacksonville Roller Girls: Feburary the 9th.
Favorite moment during a bout: When the crowd is really into it and screaming.
Favorite moment during an after party: Dancing on the bar with Lucy Luinitic and O’ MRSA Mia.
Favorite after party drink: Rumplemintz. Shaken.
Favorite bout you played in: Gotta be Palm Beach Roller Girls. That’s an awesome group of ladies.
What are your favorite skates? Reidells
What are your favorite wheels? Can I get a sponsor Hollar for a decent wheel setup? I’ll wear your name on this bootay for wheel dollars! XOXOXO
Do you have a derby wife? I like to keep my options open. I don’t think anyone can handle all of this.
What should an opponent know about you before a bout? Nothing scares me and I’m psychotic.
What should your fans know about you? If you yell louder, I’ll skate faster and hit harder.