2025 schedule is now available!

Laya Landmine

Derby Name: Laya Landmine
Derby Number: #8
What does your derby name mean to you? Lay A Landmine?! I blow b***ches up! Step this way. I dare you.
Favorite Position: Blocking. Hands down. Nothin like terrorizing people. Especially with your friends.
How you found out about roller derby: A house party at Shawna the Huts house in 2008. Mary, Messer, and Mongoose. The 3 M’s.
Date you started with Jacksonville Roller Girls: Feburary the 9th.
Favorite moment during a bout: When the crowd is really into it and screaming.
Favorite moment during an after party: Dancing on the bar with Lucy Luinitic and O’ MRSA Mia.
Favorite after party drink: Rumplemintz. Shaken.
Favorite bout you played in: Gotta be Palm Beach Roller Girls. That’s an awesome group of ladies.
What are your favorite skates? Reidells
What are your favorite wheels? Can I get a sponsor Hollar for a decent wheel setup? I’ll wear your name on this bootay for wheel dollars! XOXOXO
Do you have a derby wife? I like to keep my options open. I don’t think anyone can handle all of this.
What should an opponent know about you before a bout? Nothing scares me and I’m psychotic.
What should your fans know about you? If you yell louder, I’ll skate faster and hit harder.

Team of the Month

Team of the Month

Volunteer of the Month: Mysty Joseph

 Volunteer of the Month: Mysty Joseph

Skater of the Month: Erin Go Brawl