2025 schedule is now available!

Krispy Kreme-Her


Derby Name: Krispy Kreme-Her
Derby Number: 00
What does your derby name mean to you: Donutsss
Favorite Position: Jammer
How you found out about roller derby: I watched my sister, Suzie Bonebreaker, play her first bout and new I absolutely had to be a part of this sport.
Date you started with the Jacksonville Roller Girls: Transferred in December 2013!
Favorite derby moment during a bout: Playing my first bout with my sister. That was a pretty special moment:)
Favorite derby moment during an after party: Well, that’d definitely have to be the giant inflatable water slide directly outside the after party bar in Knoxville. A-mazing!
Favorite after party drink: Beer!
Favorite bout you played in: I haven’t played a bout with NJCR yet, so I’ll go with the banked track bout I played with some fellow boot campers, trainers, and LA Derby Dolls against the San Diego Derby Dolls. I played with and against some of my derby heroes and it was amazing. It was my first bout on a banked track and I barely knew those rules, but I’ve never had so much fun during about.
What are your favorite skates: Currently itching for a pair of Bonts…
What are your favorite wheels: I like narrow wheels for the agility. My Heartless Chasers are my favs right now.
Do you have a derby wife: I’ve got a pretty badass derby wife – LeBrawn Maimes.
What should your opponent know about you before a bout: I’m extremely competitive and I’ll put everything I’ve got out on the track in order to help my team get the win.
What should your fans know about you: That I love them! There’s nothing like feeling supported when you’re out there on the track. It’s hard to not feel motivated by a crowd of cheering fans!

Team of the Month

Team of the Month

Volunteer of the Month: Mysty Joseph

 Volunteer of the Month: Mysty Joseph

Skater of the Month: Erin Go Brawl