2025 schedule is now available!

Nanny McPhear

Derby Name: Nanny McPhear (AKA SlutBucket)
Derby Number: 1,2,3
What does your derby name mean to you: I take care of too many girls. “Nanny do you have this, do you have that?”
Favorite Position: Inside
How you found out about roller derby: A little Scottish lady named Kay
Date you started with the Jacksonville Roller Girls: 10/01/2008
Favorite derby moment during a bout: Getting my 1st “F” you, with matching birds.
Favorite derby moment during an after party: Can’t remember, apparently White Cheddar Cheez Its were involved.
Favorite after party drink:WoodChuck Amber, Jager, and Liquid Plummer
Favorite bout you played in: I love them all equally
What are your favorite skates: Your moms
What are your favorite wheels: Poisons/G-Rods
Do you have a derby wife: Yes, she’s the Red Devil
What should your opponent know about you before a bout: I’m watching you!!!
What should your fans know about you: I put BAD GIRLS in the box! and I like it!

Team of the Month

Team of the Month

Volunteer of the Month: Mysty Joseph

 Volunteer of the Month: Mysty Joseph

Skater of the Month: Erin Go Brawl