2025 schedule is now available!

Nee Drag’er

Derby Name: Nee Drag’er
Derby Number: 998cc
What does your derby name mean to you: Well, my nickname has been Nee for years.  But also, it represents my other passion – sportbikes.  In sportbike racing, you get a knee down, or “drag knee” through the turns.  My number is the displacement of my bike – a Yamaha R1.
Favorite Position: Topping from … oh… er… I mean Blocker
How you found out about roller derby: Several years ago, I saw a documentay on the Texas RollerGirls.  I just thought it looked like SO much fun.  I attended one of the first JRG bouts, and for 3 years, kept saying to myself “I want to do that some day!” but since I didn’t know how to skate, I didn’t try.  It wasn’t until I attended the Somer Thompson charity event in November 2009 that I decided to bite the bullet and just GO FOR IT!
Date you started with the Jacksonville Roller Girls: December 2, 2009
Favorite derby moment during a bout: The victory over Tallahassee in June 2010.  Even though I wasn’t playing in that bout, the overwhelming emotion amongst the team – and the fans – was just amazing.  Such a huge moment!!
Favorite derby moment during an after party: Oh wow, so few I can actually REMEMBER!  Hahahaah, only kidding.  It’s gotta be Anya Knees, in her post-surgery wheelchair, dancing at Monkey’s Uncle.  She’s just awesome.  And leg wrestling (probably that same night) on the dance floor at Monkey’s.
Favorite after party drink: Sailor Jerry ‘n Diet, or a frosty pint of Blue Moon
Favorite bout you played in: That will undoubtedly be my premier bout – September 18th, 2010!
What are your favorite skates: My only skates – Riedell R3’s.  Hoping to upgrade next season!
What are your favorite wheels: Again, limited experience here, but I’m hoping to develop a long and loving relationship with my new Atom Poisons.
Do you have a derby wife:  I have mistresses!
What should your opponent know about you before a bout: I had beans for lunch so don’t tail me. *tee hee*
What should your fans know about you: That less than a year ago, I was just like them – sitting in the stands thinking “How FUN!”  If you think you want to do it, come out to a practice and give it a try!

Team of the Month

Team of the Month

Volunteer of the Month: Mysty Joseph

 Volunteer of the Month: Mysty Joseph

Skater of the Month: Erin Go Brawl