Derby Name: Stand By (Tommy Riggins)
Derby Number: 321
What does your derby name mean to you: It’s a broadcasting term. Someone gave me the name by introducing me as Stand By during a conversation.
Favorite Position: An unobstructed view
How you found out about roller derby: My friend Cryssy Chaos told me about it. I immediately knew how I could contribute.
Date you started with the Jacksonville Roller Girls: May 2006
Favorite derby moment during a bout: I don’t think we’re allowed to talk about that anymore. But I still say we won.
Favorite derby moment during an after party: When an entire party in Melbourne watched that night’s bout video, and cheered as if it was live.
Favorite after party drink: Water!
Favorite bout played in: Our 2008 bout with Panama City that was decided by instant replay. That’s as close as I’ve gotten to being part of the game.
What are your favorite skates: Anything but the Rollerballs (which I think are extinct anyway). They were an attempt to make an inline skate as maneuverable as a quad. Whatever it was, that’s what I was wearing when I broke my leg in four places.
What are your favorite wheels: my Dodge Charger R/T
Do you have a derby wife: I’m single in real life too.
What should your opponent know about you before a bout: The closest thing I have to an opponent is the outside refs I share turn #1 with, and they outrank me.
What should your fans know about you: I have fans?!