2025 schedule is now available!

Dodge RammHer


Derby name: Dodge RammHer
Derby number: 44
What does your derby name mean to you? My last name is Dodge. When I was in middle school my classmates would always make jokes; asking me if “that thing has a Hemi?” or my favorite “can I ram that dodge?” Now I can truly answer yes to those questions.
Favorite Position: I’ve really grown a liking to jamming. I like the adrenaline thrill I get. However, being able to block and jam in a pinch makes me a greater asset to my team.
How you found out about Derby: I learned about it when I was a child and always wanted to play but never got into it until I moved to Jacksonville. So I looked up the website and went to the recruitment night. I’ve been in love ever sense.
Date you started with JRG: My recruitment night was July 2013
Favorite moment during a bout: When I get lead jam and everyone’s cheering me on.
Favorite moment during an after party: The food and drinks! So hungry after a hard bout.
Favorite after party drink: I don’t have a favorite drink, just pass me a cup and fill it up!
Favorite bout you played in: I will never forget my first travel game with the J-Villains. I got my first MVP as a jammer and I played with a great group of ladies.
What are your favorite skates? I love my Bonts. They are the best.
What are your favorite wheels? Not sure, still looking.
Do you have a derby wife? No
What should an opponent know about you? I will Dodge and Ram you. Watch out.
What should your fans know about you?  I like when my fans cheer loudly.

Team of the Month

Team of the Month

Volunteer of the Month: Mysty Joseph

 Volunteer of the Month: Mysty Joseph

Skater of the Month: Erin Go Brawl